Ribbon Chart To create a Ribbon Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. 3D Bar Chart To create a 3D Bar Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Radar Chart To create a Radar Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Donut Chart To create a Donut Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Region Chart Tool To create a Region Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Scatter Chart Tool To create a Scatter Chart, select the data cells for the Y-Axis and click this icon. Data for the X-Axis should be in the column immediately left of the selection. 3D Column Chart To create a 3D Column Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Pie 3D Chart To create a 3D Pie Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Pie Chart To create a Pie Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. High-Low-Close Chart To create a High-Low-Close financial Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Select 4 columns of data if you want to chart the Open. Combination Chart To create a Combination Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. The last row or column will be a line chart. Stacked Column Chart To create a Stacked Bar Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Bar Chart To create a Bar Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Column Chart To create a Column Chart, select the data cells and click this icon. Line Chart To create a Line Chart, select the data cells and click this icon.